Discover How to Compete in Craps – Tips and Schemes: Chips Or Cheques?

January 26th, 2010 by Kingston Leave a reply »

Casino employees frequently refer to chips as "cheques," which has its origins in France. Technically, there is a difference between a cheque and a chip. A cheque is a chip with a value written on it and is forever worth the value of the written denomination. Chips, on the other hand, don’t have denominations printed on them and any color can be worth any amount as determined by the casino. For instance, at a poker table, the casino might value white chips as $1 and blue chips as $10; at the same time, at a roulette game, the dealer might value white chips as 25 cents and blue chips at $2. Another example, the inexpensive red, white, and blue poker chips you purchase at the department store for your Friday-night poker game are referred to as "chips" due to the fact that they don’t have values imprinted on them.

When you plop your money down on the table and hear the croupier announce, "Cheque change only," he’s just informing the boxman that a new bettor wants to change cash for chips, and that the money sitting on the table is not in play. Cash plays in many betting houses, so if you put a 5 dollar bill down on the Pass Line just prior to the shooter tosses the ivories and the dealer does not exchange your cash for chips, your cash is "live" and "in play."

Technically, in actual craps games, we gamble with with cheques, and not chips. Sometimes, an individual will walk up to the the table, drop a one hundred dollar cheque, and instruct the croupier, "Cheque change." It is fun to pretend to be a new player and ask the dealer, "Hey, I’m a beginner to this game, what’s a cheque?" Frequently, their wacky answers will entertain you.


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