Learn to Bet on Craps – Hints and Strategies: Don’t Toss in the Towel

February 7th, 2010 by Kingston Leave a reply »
[ English ]

Over your craps-playing experience, you will certainly have more losing sessions than successful times. Accept it. You have to discover how to compete in the real world, not in dream land. Craps is designed for the gambler to not win.

Let us say, after 2 hours, the ivories have eaten away at your bankroll down to 20 dollars. You haven’t observed a smokin throw in forever. Even though squandering is as much a part of the game as acquiring a win, you can’t help but feel awful. You begin to wonder why you even thought about coming to las vegas in the first place. You were a rock for 2 hours, but it did not work. You need to win so much that you are deprived of control of your clear thinking. You’re down to your very last twenty dollars for the session and you have little fight left. Call it a day!

You can never give up, never surrender, never consider, "This blows, I am going to lay the remainder on the Hard 4 and, if I am defeated, then I will walk away. But if I succeed, I’ll be back where I began." That’s the dumbest thing you can do at the conclusion of a non-winning session.

If you can’t acknowledge losing, you have no reason to be placing bets. If you can’t accept losing a given session, then bail out of that session and cash out. Don’t toss your $$$$$ away on a appalling bet looking to make it huge and get your money back in one bet.

If it’s an awful session and you are deprived of a lot swiftly, then acknowledge defeat and cash out with the $10, $15, or twenty dollars that you have left. Use that leftover $20, have a drink in the lounge, listen to the live music. Put the money in a nickel electronic poker machine and perhaps get a one thousand-coin jackpot for fifty dollars. Put it in your wallet, find your spouse, and spend some time with her. Do not relent. Do something besides piss your $$$$ away on a non-winning proposition bet. Do not throw in the towel.


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