Be clever, bet smart, and master how to wager on craps the right way!
During your craps-betting life, you will likely experience more bad luck sessions than successful times. Accept it. You need to learn to gamble in reality, not dream world. Craps was developed for the gambler to lose.
Say, following a few hours, the pair of dice have whittled your chip stack leaving only $20. You have not observed a hot roll in aeon. Although losing is as much a part of the game as winning, you can’t help but feel cursed. You wonder why you even bothered coming to Sin City in the 1st place. You were a fortress for a few hours, but it didn’t succeed. You are looking to win so acutely that you lose control of your comprehension. You are at your last $20 for the day and you contain no fight remaining. Leave with your $20!
You must at no time capitulate, don’t ever accede, do not think, "This sucks, I am going to lay the remainder on the Hard 4 and, if I lose, then I’ll leave. Although if I gain, I will be right back where I started." That’s the dumbest thing you can try at the conclusion of a non-winning session.
If you have to give your money away, for heaven’s sake give it to your preferred charity. Do not award it to the gambling hall. At times, you will succeed on one of those insane bets, but do not imagine you’ll profit enough over time to even out your squanderings.
Now you are aware! Recall, learn the proper way to enjoy craps the proper way.